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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Seek The Lord


Zephaniah 2:3 NLT

[3] Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow his commands. Seek to do what is right and to live humbly. Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you— protect you from his anger on that day of destruction.

God gave me this scripture to share with you.  He just reminded me to seek him and make him the highest priority in my life.  I was doing my daily reading and this scripture stuck out to me.

I want to seek God and follow his commands, he also reminded me to be humble.  It doesn’t matter if this gets one view or millions of views, Jesus wanted you to see this post. 

I want to do what is right and live humbly.  I want the Lord to protect me.  But God is not a vending machine, it’s not that, “Oh, I just do this and this and I get protection!” I want to follow him because I love him and I want to serve him.

Atheists say God is just the “flying spaghetti monster” or “sky daddy”, but people forget there are things that make him angry, like sin.  People tend to see God as the nice grandpa that just lets everything slide.

But the Bible talks about how He can and will get angry with sin and punish sin. In order to avoid His anger on the day of destruction I need to seek and follow Him.

Living for Jesus is the most important thing I can do.  I know I’ve been blessed with a writing gift and that’s why I love writing reviews, I love sharing my opinions.  While I’ll never be a famous writer, I want to share Jesus with people in my own way, and I’ve had writer’s block when it comes to w riitng about both spiritual things and my reviews that I enjoy writing.

I just wanted to share this scripture with you because God is reminding me to seek and follow him.